For Solo Artists & Bands

Lucie works with aspiring and established performers who either want to learn to perform or enhance their online or live performance skills, or who want to develop your material ready for stage. She will teach you her unique formula that she has developed over many years as a performance coach, that will bring the best out of you, so you can step on stage and shine.  Lucie delivers various programs and courses covering all aspects of the performance process for artists, vocalists, musicians, performers and actors (see below). She tailors each of her sessions to the individual or group, working holistically, as she believes that what is felt or feared on the inside has a direct effect on the performer,  performance and audience itself.  Lucie focuses on bridging the gap between the rehearsal and performance stage, recognising what is felt for a performer during rehearsals is very different once faced with a 'real' audience and all that comes with it, and is often a part that is overlooked. Her sessions are uplifting and empowering, drawing from her extensive experience as a live performer, songwriter and vocalist who is also a trained music coach who has taught performance and composition to aspiring and professional performers for over 20 years (see testimonials below). 

Lucie covers all aspects including; 
Stage Presence & Confidence 
Performance Anxiety 
Overcoming fears 
Facing stage fright head on and learning ways in which to overcome it 
Overcoming the negative voice 
Engaging with your audience and getting them on side 
Tapping into the true you 
Preparing for live performance 
Managing ego 
Getting to know yourself 
Knowing and using your strengths 
Breaking through your blocks 
Keeping Motivated 
Positive Mindset 
Rehearsal Skills




Lite - 6 Weeks

Pro 12 Weeks  

For Performers and Creatives

Fast-track your career with our Bespoke 1:1 coaching programs. Gain clarity and confidence working with us to bring your creative and artistic vision to life, navigating blocks whilst supporting and guiding you throughout, with our unique formula and your 6 month artist strategy plan, tailored just for you.



Lucie combines performance coaching with motivational life coaching to bring you dynamic and unique workshops/sessions where she will show you why what you think and how you feel are directly related to how you write and perform.
She will also give you techniques to;
Positively turn around your mind set to aid you in developing your stagecraft ready for performance
Set yourself career targets
Let go of the inner negative voice
Overcome inner or creative blocks
Stay motivated
Feel confident about your career direction, even if you feel others aren't
Keep believing in yourself and your art


If you would like to book Lucie or find out more information, please make your enquiries via the contact form below. Online masterclasses and coaching sessions are available via zoom for individuals or groups. Thank you.